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100% Grief, Enjoy !

ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

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32 posters

descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

First topic message reminder :

ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 2tmpfXl
ZombieSlayinGod #5 is my 5th tournament hosted in Town.

ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 FTwJp52
  1. No Pack-a-Punch.
  2. No Mystery Box.
  3. No blocking Juggernog at the beginning of the game.
  4. No Juggernog glitch (either corner), or Stamin-Up car glitch.
  5. No camping in corners for more than 10 seconds.
  6. If someone times out within the thirty seconds of the game starting the game must be restarted.
  7. Connection must be given so that the majority of the players have a good connection, if there is an even number of players that will have good and bad (4 to 4) connection must alternate like normal.
  8. 3 Winning Games, 4 Final

  1. No Pack-a-Punch.
  2. No Mystery Box.
  3. No Juggernog bloqueo al comienzo del juego.
  4. No Juggernog glitch (cualquier esquina), o en coche glitch Stamin-Up.
  5. Prohibido acampar en las esquinas por más de 10 segundos.
  6. Si se deben reiniciar veces a alguien dentro de los treinta segundos de juego de comenzar el juego.
  7. La conexión debe ser determinado por lo que la mayoría de los jugadores tienen una buena conexión, si hay un número par de jugadores que tendrán conexión buena y mala (4 a 4) deben alternarse de manera normal.
  8. 3 juegos ganados, 4 finales

  1. Pas de Pack-a-Punch.
  2. Pas de Boîte mystère.
  3. Pas de Blocage de Mastodonte (escaliers) en début de partie.
  4. Pas de Glitch du Masto ou Glitch du Marathon.
  5. Camping dans les coins pas plus de 10 secondes.
  6. Si un joueur expire dans les trente secondes du match, le jeu doit être redémarré.
  7. Le raccordement doit être donné pour que la majorité des joueurs ont une bonne connexion, si il ya un nombre pair de joueurs qui auront bien et le mal (4 à 4) connexion doit alterner comme d'habitude.
  8. 3 Jeux gagnants (4 jeux gagnants pour la finale).

ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 FTwJp52
1ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 Ct89hmD 3 Straightll-Hobnob-ll (C)
Elpablune (S)
2ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 4ux46jT SIMPLE BLOCKADEBLOCKS--ALPHA (C)
3ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 0DEOUwP UHCDarkmachine9_UHC (C)
DarkBoY_UHC (S)
4ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 2E5Jkvo GENERATION JIZZZi_JiZZZ_i (C)
5ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 WezeBS5 Grief AnarchyCozmicShadOwz (C)
TheSinper2010 (S)
OneBoneHuner (S)
6ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 Kk0UfdV Hit 4 Grief Team 1H4G_DZ (C)
H4G_NV (S)
7ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 Kk0UfdV Imposibol TeamxFurkanKilleR (C)
RoCoNiXs_ZomBeRx (S)
8ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 Kk0UfdV Hit 4 Grief Team 2H4G_TR (C)
9ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 RYNNiPQ El Frances TeamZero_bkn (C)
Actavis_Elite (S)
Depredador_bkn (S)
10ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 4ux46jT Team LikyLikyLoup (C)
11ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 RYNNiPQ Los PibesAetherBelzeebut (C)
12ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 RYNNiPQ G.S.A.udied_bkn (C)
JUANMA_bkn (S)
piztak (S)
NASH_bkn (S)
Rogelio-Rajas (S)
INFECTED_bkn (S)??
13ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 WezeBS5 OldSkoolZombieSlayinGod (C)
14ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 WezeBS5 Dabombaacloterbombaaclotz_kush (C) (H)
Achyllies19 (S)
15ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 Kk0UfdV Double BlockadeBLOCKS--DACHEVI
16ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 RYNNiPQ BKN EliteCRISTOPHER_bkn (C)
17ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 2E5Jkvo AzK TeamAzK_Killing (C)
morocan_kush (S)
18ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 Ct89hmD The Grief ChampionsDennis_DAS_Beast (C)
19ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 WezeBS5 We Big BoysllUtubeObe87ll (C)
20ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 4ux46jT FRENCHY JIZZZSHARKQUICK_JIZZZ (C)

ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 FTwJp52

1ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 WezeBS5 Dabombaacloter40123
2ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 WezeBS5 We Big Boys31104
3ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 WezeBS5 GRIEF ANARCHY2297
4ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 2E5Jkvo AZK Team1349
5ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 WezeBS5 OldSkool04012

1ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 RYNNiPQ BKN ELITE40122
2ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 RYNNiPQ El Frances Team31106
3ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 RYNNiPQ G.S.A.2277
4ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 0DEOUwP UHC1379
5ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 RYNNiPQ Los Pibes04012

1ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 Ct89hmD 3 Straight31103
2ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 4ux46jT Simple Blockade3196
3ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 4ux46jT Team Liky2287
4ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 4ux46jT FRENCHY JIZZZ2287
5ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 Ct89hmD The Grief Champions04012

1ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 Kk0UfdV Hit 4 Grief Team 140123
2ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 Kk0UfdV Generation JIZZZ3194
3ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 Kk0UfdV Hit 4 Grief Team 22276
4ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 Kk0UfdV Imposibol Team13511
5ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 Kk0UfdV Double Blockade04312

ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 FTwJp52

Last edited by ZombieSlayinGod on Sun 21 Sep - 20:39; edited 5 times in total

descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyRe: ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

Danakillman je te dit ce que tout les américains me disent,  alors pour les prochains tournois je ne convaincrai aucun américain ni personne. À vrai dire ce grâce à moi que yoplix à tout ce monde inscrit dans ce site Web, car je suis le seul avoir fait l'initiative de connaître la majorité des personnes ( pour pas dire tout le monde) et à les motiver à s'inscrire sur le site Web pour jouer des tournois. Rappel toi que vous étiez que des français dans les premiers tournois organisé par vous.Grâce à mon arrivé, presque toutes mes amis se sont inscrits au site Web dont j'avais des amis de presque toutes les nationalité.

descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyRe: ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

Oui mais c'est pas toi qui fait toute la communauté faut arrêter avec ça c pas parce que tva arrêter que tt le monde va le faire

descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyRe: ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

Dana les équipes qui son inscri ses moi et qoadri qui leur dit a chaque fois de s'inscrire sur tout les equipes étranger jore espagnole 10 equipes argentin et USA 10 moi et qoadri on participe tout le temps pour ramener un macimome d équipes dans les tournois de yoplix et le remercimen on na même pas le droit a un délai de 2 jour supplémentaire lol toi tu fait quoi Dana pour aider yoplix sur son cite que dal nous on lui ramène 20 équipe par tournoi alors arrêté de parler pour rien dire biatche lol biz danakilpoche

descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyRe: ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

Ben rien à voir je vise personne sur mes messages mais à lire les votre on dirait que la communauté zombie repose sur vos épaules hors que ce n'est passe cas certe vous ramenez des équipes mais on en perdra quelque une pas plus tu crois que les gens vont arrêter sous prétexte que Intel arrêté nan je ne crois pas et puis on était tous content le jour où yoplix à ouvert son site et on ne peut pas me dire le contraire donc voilà moi jtrouve ça répugnant d'en vouloir à un mec qui a mis beaucoup de compétitivité et d'animation sur ce jeu et son site va continuer sur bo3 je pense pensez y a ça aussi bisou jacquard Smile

descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyRe: ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

Moi aussi jme suis déjà pris la tête avec yoplix mais au bout d'un moment faut passer à autre chose et si il impose des règles c pas lui tout seul qui les fait tu peux me croire jprend un exemple ya pas mal de joueur qui sont content que qoadri ne prenne plus la co moi y compris parce que c'était un réel problème et que les 2 équipes ne partait pas sur le même pied d'égalité je pense que beaucoup de joueurs seront de mon avis regarde tu me dis tjr mais nan nous aussi on est désavantager mais c pas vrai parce que toi sa co tu sais comment réagir donc déjà ta l'avantage la dessus ensuite si l'ennemi à la co prenons un exemple sur les co européennes tu est bien aussi la plupart du temps jme trompe? Alors dis moi ou est l'égalité la dessus?

descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyRe: ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

1 canadien et 3 européen sur la co à qoadri vs êtes bien et sur les co européennes le seul qui peut se plaindre c qoadri ce sera le seul de votre équipe qui aura une sale co mais pour l'équipe adverse c différent les 4 y ont une sale co

descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyRe: ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

salut yoplix . je vien de lire les conversation de cette page javais un peu de temps . je vois que sa critique pas mal quand meme pourquoi tu te fais chier avec ces americain vire les des tournois est sa iras bien mieux. il y a eu toujours des soucis aux moin sa serais regler ....il vaut mieux etre 15 equipe avec une bonne ambiance que 40 avec des gars qui sont jamais content .pour moi tu tenbete vraiment avec certain joueur qui nen valent vraiment pas la peine...bonne journeee

descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyRe: ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

Achyllies19 wrote:
Hey yoplix we were on that might ready to face them but they only had 3 people and we had our whole team so how are they able to move on in the tournament when we couldn't face them we've all been on and have been ready to face them but they only had 3 people that one time and never wanted to play us after that plus we didn't know when the quarter finals started or ended no one told us anything and zombieslayin hasn't been on that's why i'm messaging you because it isn't fair if we were ready and they weren't and they didn't contact us when they got their fourth so its impossible that we would be out of the tournament if any one should be out of the tournament it should be them because we were ready and we tried to play them but they never had their fourth we want to play them and we're on right now ready to play them we just want to play them and beat them so if you could make that game happen I would appreciate it because no one sent us a message saying it was the quarter finals and when it started or when it ended you or zombieslayin never told us or messaged us that the quarter finals had started or when it ended and we will continue to try to play them tonight for 3 days in a row and when you read this, message me as soon as you can on playstation and I hope you make the right decision to make the play us because we've been trying to play them for 3 days now thanks

Achyllies19 wrote:
Hey I also wanted to let you know that my whole team me bombaaclot,jontor,dahgo,and unicorn jizz thinks thatwe should get a game with darkmachine and his team because all of us find it unfair that they wouldn't play us but we get disqualified and plus i'm also hearing that zombieslayin said there was no set date that everyone should play each other whenever they got the chance so message me and send me an invite on black ops so we can talk about this thanks.

I said ZSG we need deadlines fixed because there will be upcoming tourneys soon. I don't want two tournaments in the same time. Futhermore, we have seen in his past tourneys with no deadlines, the tourneys was too long (~2 months) because the teams took all their time (sometimes too long). ZSG wants to host/manage and play tournaments, but he has no really the time, and I need to finish the work myself finally.

I thought 3 days /match was correct generally, with US/SA teams together (gap time -2h) & EU teams together to play more quickly : 12 days to the round robin (4 matches) & 12 days for the final bracket (4 matches).

The next tournament should start the 18th and this current tourney end the 17th, So I will postpone another time the Free map tourney and prolong this ZSG5 tourney because there are too many forfeit indeed.

Please, the next time to send a message here to give your news more quickly. I cannot ask each time what's happen with their captain. As I see the 8th 3 of the UHC connected and in my lobby, I though you was no available to play. Also, you could play 4v3 or 3v3 in this situation to respect the deadline, thing already done many times.

Last edited by YoPlixBoy25 on Fri 10 Oct - 14:05; edited 2 times in total

descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyRe: ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

Because of too many forfeits in the 8ths (5/8 ). I finally decided to prolong the deadlines with 7 days to play a match (one week with a WE). You will have no excuses to cannot play the WE. So the past forfeits are canceled and each teams has more time to play. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Last edited by YoPlixBoy25 on Fri 10 Oct - 14:25; edited 2 times in total

descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyRe: ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

jeanyves1313 wrote:
MDR t ai tournoi tout le monde et forfait lol t arrêterai de mettre t ai date pour sa serai mieux sa fait chier tout le monde en plus ta pas 20 tournoi de prévu t oral mi 4 ou 5 jour pour chaque matche sa serai mieu non toi tu mai 2 jou

Mais début octobre, pour les matchs de pools tu disais
jeanyves1313 wrote:
Sa devient tellement pouri que les personne bien tôt il von mettre 1 moi pour faire les matches de pool MDR


Déjà c'était pas 2 mais 3 jours/ match, et c'est pour cela que j'ai demandé à ZSG un changement préalable selon ma volonté à privilèger des matchs en fonction de la géographie pour la connexion et le temps. Donc c'était 12 jours pour les matchs de pools et 12 jours pour la phase finale. Tu te plaignais que c'était trop long pendant les poules, et maintenant il faut prolonger car tu ne peux pas faire le geek ce week-end comme il y a quelques mois? Donc effectivement je vais prolonger et je vais laisser 1 semaine pour jouer un match car il y a trop de forfaits, et je n'aime pas ça non plus. Je préfère que les matchs soient joués.

jeanyves1313 wrote:
DSL pour les faut je suis pour en français lol

Ce n'était pas utile de le mentionner ça, cela fait un moment que l'on s'en ai aperçu il me semble...

descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyRe: ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

It was fine with the forfeits because team that didn´t play at their time shouldn´t have the opportunity to win.

descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyRe: ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

eguiluz-bilbao wrote:
It was fine with the forfeits because team that didn´t play at their time shouldn´t have the opportunity to win.

It is a problem if we have too many forfeits (5/8 ), and it was the case for the 8ths, so I prefer add an extra time.

descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyRe: ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

One week for a match is ridiculous . I dont know why you want this tournament to last 2-3 month . Lets just finish it , cuz you keep postpone all the othervtournaments because of this tournament with just 8 teams left . Thats not fair

descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyRe: ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

Also playing a tournament game takes max 30 min , so if a team has not just 30 min to play a game all 2 days than they really shouldnt play any tournaments

descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyRe: ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

Priceless_Legacy wrote:
One week for a match is ridiculous . I dont know why you want this tournament to last 2-3 month . Lets just finish it , cuz you keep postpone all the othervtournaments because of this tournament with just 8 teams left . Thats not fair

You prefer have 5/8 teams forfeit? So what is the goal of a tournament if the teams cannot play. So I'm agree to put deadlines, not too long but also not too short. 1 week because we have the WE.
I go to create another topic about he deadlines/period, because it is often a problem and we need to fixe this thing :

Anyway, we don't have enough teams, another time, for your upcoming tournament.

descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyRe: ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

So I will  hon ithe quarters !

descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyRe: ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

The thing is that all the teams that lost by forfeit will lose anyways . Liky will lose vs jizzz , Bombacloter will lose vs UHC. It is done already . Also isnt it your fault that we have all these forfeits ? Look how many teams you brought in to fill up the pools and look how many of the have forfeit . I think we should vote about repeating the games , ask the other teams if they agree. My team already scheduled the match vs jizzz and its not easy to get a date with this team because they just play in the night because they have no life . But anyways we should vote

descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyRe: ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

So I will go in the quarters ??

descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyRe: ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

The thing is that all the teams that lost by forfeit will lose anyways . Liky will lose vs jizzz , Bombacloter will lose vs UHC. It is done already . Also isnt it your fault that we have all these forfeits ?

Yeah it's my fault, so it's why, after claims, I changed the period to play, adding an extra time, and it's why I opened a new topic to fixe definitely the deadlines/periods for the next tourneys :

So the matches already played are fixed, but the matches with a forfeit need to be replayed.

Look how many teams you brought in to fill up the pools and look how many of the have forfeit

It was not the same thing. In the pool matches, each team had 2 WE to play their matches : Sept 27th/28th  & Oct 4th/5th. The WE is a period of the week of the players can be free to play. In the final bracket, some matches should be play during the week, without WE, before the change.

My team already scheduled the match vs jizzz and its not easy to get a date with this team because they just play in the night because they have no life . But anyways we should vote

You will have an entire week to schedule the match, it will be more easy than 3 days...They will need to play at a correct time for the major players of the matches, but midnight is not a correct time, 18h/22h is a correct time for EU players.

descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyRe: ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

AzK_Killing wrote:
So I will go in the quarters ??

You don't have already played, and lost your match? So why you should restart your game? Shocked

Zero has posted the score here for CRISTOPHER I think :

Zero_bkn wrote:
BKN ELITE 3-1 AzK Team


descriptionZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24 - Page 27 EmptyRe: ZombieSlayinGod #5 - 2014/09/24

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