We Were Playing public My Teams was : MY OneBoneHunter Cradle_Of_beer weje. Its was a Good Machs.till Round 20 all players went to dubbel-Tap and lagswitched the game and killed my holle team and myself with the lagswitch it was a longe game round 20 the vido did not recorded every thing. My Proof is Cradle of beer he is a respected player and is in the must respected team simple blockad he can nodafiy it. The Players That are Gona Git banned are: W_O_L_F_1985 ShaDow-ViiiRuzzZ TJ_EVILx. And TJ_IMORTAL/Mrla600
All there scorers are gona git deleted frome my tournaments and are completely banned
All there scorers are gona git deleted frome my tournaments and are completely banned