First topic message reminder :
Anyways, it's the 1/8 FINALS for the US players so they have more time to play (until 5th).
Anyways, it's the 1/8 FINALS for the US players so they have more time to play (until 5th).
P4RK0Z_AP0L0 wrote:MDR weshmagueul
LutteuR_ViiolenT wrote:wsh heu nn je pense qu'on joura mercredi ou chpa on vera mdr mais srx pk streamer en direct et du coup changer les regles et ne pas finir la manche ?? je comprends pas mdr alors qu'on pourait tres bien prendre la vidéo après en studio nn? moi sa m'emballe pas de streamer perso
the_best_kenny wrote:so inco & wesh play wednesday and you yoplix stream that match on twitch? or do they play the next week? i just understand a few words in french. my uncle is french . anyway I WANT TO WATCH THAT MATCH ON TWITCH !!!!!!