The host will need to be the better for the most of players in the game (8 players) and not only for our team (4 players). This rule will be official from the ZombieSlayinGod #5.
By exemple, if a team of 2 US and 2 EU players need to play against a team of 4 EU players, this team will need to select one EU player like host and not one US players. However, to select their US host, the team can replace the 2 EU players by 2 US players if these substitutes are US.
What do you think about the teams compounded by at least two players from differents country in the goal to select the worst host for the opponent?
Since the Cashmoney Town tournament, QOADRICORN has the idea to form a team with 2 differents country with different host to handicap the opponent.
It was firstly with Argentina players from the BKN team (CRISTOPHER & Alonso), then now, with my last French teammates (jeanyves, Rageux & magoul).
For me, it's not a cheating, at the moment of the host has the better connection of the team (biggest bandwidth). But it's also not a good stategy and I will explain why after.
In the futur, do we need to let the choice of a team to select the host by strategu, to we need to oblige to take the better host for the opponent?
Last edited by YoPlixBoy25 on Mon 3 Aug - 0:55; edited 11 times in total
By exemple, if a team of 2 US and 2 EU players need to play against a team of 4 EU players, this team will need to select one EU player like host and not one US players. However, to select their US host, the team can replace the 2 EU players by 2 US players if these substitutes are US.
What do you think about the teams compounded by at least two players from differents country in the goal to select the worst host for the opponent?
Since the Cashmoney Town tournament, QOADRICORN has the idea to form a team with 2 differents country with different host to handicap the opponent.
It was firstly with Argentina players from the BKN team (CRISTOPHER & Alonso), then now, with my last French teammates (jeanyves, Rageux & magoul).
For me, it's not a cheating, at the moment of the host has the better connection of the team (biggest bandwidth). But it's also not a good stategy and I will explain why after.
In the futur, do we need to let the choice of a team to select the host by strategu, to we need to oblige to take the better host for the opponent?
Last edited by YoPlixBoy25 on Mon 3 Aug - 0:55; edited 11 times in total